Hegel, Historicism, and the End of History Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel is one of the most influential and prominent philosophers of the 19th century. He’s also regarded as controversial, his works considered hard to read, and his inquiries challenging to understand. The obscure philosopher Hegel belongs to the philosophical tradition of German idealism, while his […]
For people of a certain mindset and ambition, Ayn Rand’s ideas serve as a beacon of empowerment, urging them to stop complaining and instead focus on what they can do to build their own destinies.
Let’s look at some of the reasons why entrepreneurs and high achievers are a particularly receptive audience to the ideas of Ayn Rand.
Ayn Rand has inspired countless readers from various walks of life, including some you might have heard of.
Many notable people from fields as diverse as comic books, rock music, activism, and business have credited her as a significant influence.
Let’s look at five such individuals…
The most compelling case for why socialism is immoral comes from someone with first-hand experience. This is the story of a Soviet refugee, one whose experiences and insights lay bare a truth that challenges the very foundations of socialism.
Intrigued about a fresh take on personal growth and self-discovery that emphasizes individualism, liberty, and rational self-interest? Let’s take a look at 7 controversial life lessons that really shouldn’t be controversial at all…
Whether you’re stepping into Rand’s world for the first time or revisiting these classics with fresh eyes, these books are your passport to exploring Objectivism and its profound implications for individual liberty, reason, and the pursuit of happiness.
After its extensive development in Greece and (to a lesser extent) Rome, the notion of liberty was largely forgotten during the subsequent medieval era. During this time, a culture of intense military domination emerged, leading the European population to submit to regimes that caused a decline in both political and individual autonomy, and consigning ancient Greek democratic institutions to history.
Within the world of political spectrums, one ideology stands out for its axioms, principles, and ethics: libertarianism. It is a political philosophy based on the idea that the individual is the sole owner of oneself and therefore has the right to exercise their freedom without external interference, as long as it does not harm the freedom of others.
Ready to dive into the captivating world of classical liberal literature but not sure where to start? We’ve got you covered! Whether you’re new to the world of classical liberalism or seeking to expand your knowledge, these five books are key to unlocking a deeper appreciation of its core tenets.
John Stuart Mill was born 217 years ago, on May 20, 1806, and is remembered as one of the most foundational classical liberal philosophers and political economists to this day. Here are some things that you might not have guessed about John Stuart Mill.
Would you tell a lie to protect someone from harm?
Ayn Rand, a celebrated author and philosopher, was one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century. Known for her bestselling novels, such as The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, Rand’s ideas have had a profound impact on the fields of politics, economics, and philosophy.
Ideology — that is, a system of beliefs that are baked into our perception of the world — serves important functions in human society. It can provide context to problems, foster a sense of belonging and community, and in some cases even inspire hope. But what are the limits of ideology?
Central to Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism is the idea that each of us should hold our own personal happiness as our highest moral purpose. Here are a selection of Ayn Rand quotes for living a fulfilling life…
Capitalism can be viewed as an economic system that has been a driving force in many advanced economies, fostered growth and innovation, enabled people to lift themselves out of poverty, and greatly improved living standards. But it also has many staunch critics, who will argue that, regardless of outcomes or track records, it is a deeply harmful and exploitative system. So, to clear up any confusion, what really is capitalism, and what isn’t it?
Ayn Rand, one of the most influential pro-liberty minds of the 20th century, was born 118 years ago today. Considered to be a novelist and philosopher in equal measure, she promoted Objectivism, her philosophical system, through many works of both fiction and nonfiction.
Advocating for liberty is both idealistic and realistic. What is it that makes liberty “work” in a way that central planning cannot?
In “How the Force Can Fix the World”, Stephen Kent explores how Star Wars themes can be applied to our current political and cultural landscape. A thought-provoking and compelling read for fans of Star Wars and for those looking for a new perspective on real-world issues.
Developments in AI, such as the recent creation of ChatGPT, can be seen as world-changing in ways that should not be taken lightly. However, it clearly has immense potential for humanity, so long as we choose the right path. What are the parallels between the advent of nuclear fission and the rise of AI?
Objectivism is consistently mischaracterized and stereotyped in popular media, and is blamed as responsible for any right-leaning political development. Here are five common myths that you may have heard about Ayn Rand.
Just because something’s ancient doesn’t mean it’s wise. And just because Confucius (or even some other thinker of renown — even if that’s Ludwig von Mises!) said something, doesn’t mean it’s beyond reproach.
Neoliberalism and libertarianism share many common principles despite meaning different things to different people. But what is neoliberalism in reality — and how does it relate to classical liberalism and libertarianism?
Libertarians believe in negative rights and oppose infringements on people’s autonomy, but how does this work with cases of fraud?
When we think of terms such as capitalism, individualism, or selfishness, one name comes to mind: Ayn Rand. But what makes Rand so significant?
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