In this video Reem walks us through 6 free-market principles that will maximize the likelihood of climate benefits in the future.
These free-market policies came about before most people had ever heard the term “climate change.”
While the free market reduces poverty, people criticize it because of economic inequality. Is this the real issue we should focus on?
Students For Liberty Lisbon promotes sustainability, reduction of CO2 emissions, and liberty through partnership with a private vegetable garden.
Robert Reich says “the super rich are killing Social Security.” Is he right? Professor Antony Davies gives a resounding NO in this reaction video. We included many of Reich’s relevant clips. Here’s his full video. And if you’d like to see Professor Davies expand on his answers IN PERSON, join Students For Liberty at LibertyCon! […]
The 2003 Rose Revolution marked a pivotal moment in Georgia’s political and economic history. Following new presidential and parliamentary elections, significant pro-market reforms were introduced to address the severe economic condition. The results were remarkable…
Certain forms of taxation are simply unjustifiable. One especially problematic example is the taxation of menstrual hygiene products, such as tampons. Here’s why the tampon tax is fundamentally regressive and must be scrapped…
The Beatles included pro-liberty messages in some of their most famous songs, such as: Revolution, Taxman, Think for Yourself, and Get Back, (but NOT Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds). In this video, Learn Liberty contextualizes the history and lyrics of those songs and others. We even hear directly from John Lennon via interview, George […]
Prof. Davies: Wired is WRONG – Billionaires are not Bad for the Economy Attempting to debunk so-called myths, Wired launched a video, “Economists Debunk Top 5 Billionaire Myths” putting forth some misleading claims. It was so riddled with errors that we had to bring in Professor Antony Davies, Associate Professor of Economics at Duquesne University, […]
In this video, Part 2 of 2, Professor Davies answers some of the web’s most-Googled questions about economics. While these questions might seem basic, the answers are anything but. In fact, they get to the heart of not only economics but also touch on philosophy, politics, and sociology. ️🔥 CHECK OUT PART 1 ️🔥 ️For […]
In this video, Part 1 of 2, Professor Davies answers some of the web’s most-Googled questions about economics. While these questions might seem basic, the answers are anything but. In fact, they get to the heart of not only economics but also touch on philosophy, politics, and sociology. Be sure to subscribe and ring the […]
Lower taxes are known to contribute to long-term economic growth, and after enduring so many economic setbacks, this would be the best chance millennials have of being able to secure a brighter future.
America needs to address its infrastructure woes, but a regressive tax with a disproportionate impact on those who can least afford it is not the way to go about finding solutions. If a federal gas tax holiday is implemented, it should be made permanent.
If levied, the “billionaire tax” targeting unrealized capital gains would penalize entrepreneurship and have unprecedented destructive potential
The G7’s recent plan for a global minimum tax rate of 15% is a terrible idea that will hurt consumers and restrict competition.
Myth 1 is that the government owes “only” $20 trillion. (In reality, it’s much more.) But luckily, Myth 10 is that there’s no way to fix this problem…
President Trump has repeatedly claimed that the United States is the highest-taxed country in the world. The data people are using to fact-check him are misleading.
Given that Africa has the world’s youngest population, the lack of steady, formal-sector jobs is an enormous political and economic risk factor. Unemployed youth are more likely to be criminals, may be lured into militant groups, and contribute to political unrest.
When politicians raise taxes on the rich, what do the rich do to protect their $$$? This Prof. shows how high taxes actually made America less equal.
Newly reelected Greek Prime Minister Alex Tsipras expects that by early 2017 Greece will be able to access bond markets, from which it has been virtually cut off since it lost investor confidence in 2010. If it is unable to meet this timeline, it will be forced to rely on further bailouts or go bankrupt. […]
The New York Times came out with an article last weekend claiming how much good raising taxes on the country’s wealthiest could do: [W]hat could a tax-the-rich plan actually achieve? As it turns out, quite a lot… the government could raise large amounts of revenue exclusively from this small group, while still allowing them to […]
What happens when the government spends all of the tax revenue it collects? In 2013, the U.S. budget deficit was $680 billion dollars! Who eventually pays for this difference in tax revenue and government spending? Professor of Economics at Duquesne University Antony Davies explains in the following video on the worst fiscal milestone of every […]
It’s October, which means it’s one of the best months of the year for drinking beer. Whether it’s the crisp, clean taste of an Oktoberfest or the soft, spicy kick of a pumpkin ale, the seasonal brews available this month bring us some great variety after a summer of drinking our favorites. In the three […]
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