Deirdre McCloskey, renowned economist and advocate for liberal values, delivered a stirring address at LibertyCon International, captivating attendees with her insights into the importance of liberty in fostering human flourishing and societal progress.
At LibertyCon International, David Boaz urged the liberty movement to “fight illiberalism and authoritarianism wherever you find it.”
The recent surge of national conservatism in the United States has not only highlighted a departure from classical liberal principles but also raised concerns about a fundamental shift away from the values that have long defined American governance.
Today, a hot shower or a cup of coffee brewed in seconds are completely mundane. A journey across continents taking mere hours is, for many, just a normal part of life. Yet, these marvels would have been the envy of even the most affluent in medieval societies, prior to a period we can refer to as the “Great Enrichment.”
A cashless society: the International Monetary Fund (IMF) calls it the future of money. The World Economic Forum (WEF) was enthusiastic about the concept way before it was cool. In the United States, the usual suspects such as the Brookings Institute and the New York Times ask our leaders to have the boldness and courage to follow this new path.
In the not-so-distant past, political leaders from both sides of the aisle in the United States held a general consensus on the benefits of free trade.
During their presidential campaigns in 2000, Al Gore and George Bush, despite their differences, at least agreed on the merits of fostering open markets.
Fast forward to the present day and we find Joe Biden and Donald Trump endorsing staunchly protectionist policies.
Let’s explore what caused this complete 180 and who bears the brunt when trade is restricted.
What is globalization? Globalization is simply the process of the free movement of goods, capital, people, and ideas around the world and across borders.
Globalization is a great boon to the world. It means more specialization and division of labor, which are vital components of economic progress. It makes rich countries richer and brings poor countries out of crushing poverty.
It might just be the greatest achievement in human history, but people don’t know this!
In the pantheon of economic thought, Adam Smith stands as a colossus, a philosopher whose seminal work, The Wealth of Nations, fundamentally shaped our understanding of free markets and the power of individual self-interest to fuel societal progress. But what would he write about today’s issues?
For far too long, the fixed pie fallacy was the most widely held belief. When wars over resources were too costly to fight, society (not understanding that the ultimate resource is the human mind) went back to the good old trade wars of the mercantilist era. But something changed after the Second World War when Japan took a different path.
Ready to explore the fascinating world of Austrian economics? This article has got you covered! Whether you’re new to the subject or eager to learn more, we’ve handpicked five essential books just for you.
The history of money is a story of human ingenuity and economic evolution. From the early days of bartering to the unfortunate establishment of fiat currency to a future rippling with potential thanks to cryptocurrencies, the concept of money has endured a wild ride.
Consensual sex is legal. But as soon as one party offers cash to another in exchange for sex and that money is voluntarily accepted, it’s considered prostitution, and that is illegal.
Capitalism can be viewed as an economic system that has been a driving force in many advanced economies, fostered growth and innovation, enabled people to lift themselves out of poverty, and greatly improved living standards. But it also has many staunch critics, who will argue that, regardless of outcomes or track records, it is a deeply harmful and exploitative system. So, to clear up any confusion, what really is capitalism, and what isn’t it?
Although now under siege, Hong Kong still shines as an example of what a well-built city-state can be. Its development should be used as an example and a guide toward realizing what is possible.
Cosmopolitanism is the belief in universal human rights, regardless of time or place. That each of us is a citizen of the world first, country second. It also denotes a law and morality that transcends all, and must be applied to everyone equally. But cosmopolitanism is more than just a recognition of the universal rights of others.
Economic competition in functioning market economies it the best surefire way to reduce global poverty. That, and letting people leave poor countries for rich ones.
It used to be very easy to define political camps. You were left-wing if you were a socialist, and you were right-wing if you were a capitalist. But now the terms of the debate have changed. Economics has taken a back seat
The Great Depression is one of the most misunderstood periods in American history. Once you do a little digging, there’s more than meets the eye to this desperate time. Here are some of our top myths about the Great Depression:
Here’s a brainbuster for you: The product on the left will help keep you alive for 6-8 weeks. It costs $4.49. The other is nothing more than pretty to look at. It costs $161. Why? This paradox — the water-diamond paradox — troubled some of the world’s greatest minds. Plato wondered about it; Copernicus and […]
When a worsening economic crisis saw anti-government protests erupt in Cuba, the regime was quick to blame U.S. sanctions instead of its own policies
Recently, Cuba has seen an unprecedented wave of protests against the ruling communist regime. Could freedom be on the horizon for Cuba?
Valentine’s Day is only possible because of free markets. Our ability to appreciate and enjoy Valentine’s Day is the direct result of the wealth created by markets.
The following is a lightly edited, slightly condensed transcript of the talk “Adam Darwin: Emergent Order in Biology and Economics,” presented by Matt Ridley at the Adam Smith Institute in 2012. I’ve called my lecture “Adam Darwin” to stress how congruent the philosophies of Adam Smith and Charles Darwin are. The common theme, of course, […]
One of the signature features of President Donald Trump’s campaign was his hostility to free trade. Then-candidate Trump repeatedly denigrated various multilateral trade pacts as bad deals for the United States. Pulling out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, appointing opponents of free trade—such as Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro—into key positions, and promises of tariffs that are likely to […]
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