Liberalism is a great product, but it often doesn’t sell very well, despite spearheading the astronomical leap in prosperity over the past 200 years.
So, what are liberals getting wrong and how can they sell freedom more effectively?
Portugal finds itself once more on the precipice of electoral intrigue as the nation gears up for legislative elections on March 10, 2024. The (second) resignation of Prime Minister António Costa amid a corruption scandal has thrown the country into political turmoil.
Despite the obvious setbacks, recent polls indicate that Costa’s Socialist Party (PS) remains poised for reelection. This raises intriguing questions about the electorate’s enduring support and sheds light on the nuances of Portugal’s political landscape.
Since they first seized power, Soviet leaders have claimed their “democracy” to be the best in history. However, their understanding of democracy differs significantly from that of the United States and other Western nations.
This second piece of a series addressing myths about the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) will focus on the country’s strange legacy on democracy and minority rights.
The most compelling case for why socialism is immoral comes from someone with first-hand experience. This is the story of a Soviet refugee, one whose experiences and insights lay bare a truth that challenges the very foundations of socialism.
In this first piece of a series addressing myths about the Soviet Union, we will focus on the issues of poverty, inequality, and quality of life…
Capitalism can be viewed as an economic system that has been a driving force in many advanced economies, fostered growth and innovation, enabled people to lift themselves out of poverty, and greatly improved living standards. But it also has many staunch critics, who will argue that, regardless of outcomes or track records, it is a deeply harmful and exploitative system. So, to clear up any confusion, what really is capitalism, and what isn’t it?
The socialism vs. capitalism debate is tired and stale. If you look at any media on the topic, you’ll find people rehearsing the same, boring arguments. “Socialism doesn’t work because human nature is flawed! Socialism doesn’t work because nobody would be incentivized to work! Socialism is inefficient!” Of course, these statements are true. However, they are not convincing for those who don’t believe them. Next time you find yourself into a debate, use these arguments to tackle the root cause of what you’re discussing…
Why have socialist ideas become so attractive again, despite the fact that all socialist experiments, without exception, have failed over the past 100 years? The 2019 book by Dr. Kristian Niemietz, ‘Socialism: The Failed Idea That Never Dies,’ provides convincing answers.
Are socialists “liars?” Depends on your definition — and whether they truly believe what they say. But this much is for sure: they tell and/or believe in lies. ️🔥 Watch Juan Carlos Hidalgo’s Last Video: WHY IS LATIN AMERICA SO CORRUPT – ️🔥 Those lies, though, are persuasive to a lot of people. Once […]
It used to be very easy to define political camps. You were left-wing if you were a socialist, and you were right-wing if you were a capitalist. But now the terms of the debate have changed. Economics has taken a back seat
When a worsening economic crisis saw anti-government protests erupt in Cuba, the regime was quick to blame U.S. sanctions instead of its own policies
George Ayittey, president of the Free Africa Foundation, talks about the myths of socialists countries in Africa. They are not consequences of the indigenous forms of local government but brought on by colonizers. The reason for the mistake is that the basic economic and social unit for traditional African societies is different from the Western […]
Within and beyond her literature, Zora Neale Hurston was an outspoken anti-communist who opposed both the New Deal and interventionism abroad
Millennials may talk the socialist talk, but this look at the evidence shows they also walk a rather capitalist walk.
Only in freedom do people have the ability to be good, but can freedom itself teach us what “goodness” means?
Capitalism—stronger than any border wall or immigration ban—remains a resilient and deeply American system.
In my mind, then, Castro is a lot like the minimum wage: something we must stubbornly decry even though there are far greater ills in the world.
Recycling is one example of an action that we take in the present to benefit a group in the future.
An astonishingly high percentage of millennials do not know who communist leaders like Mao Zedong and Vladimir Lenin were.
Decades before the socialists gained power, Eugene Richter saw the writing on the wall.
Saturday, September 17th will be the five year anniversary of the beginning of the Occupy Wall Street protests. This week’s links cover the protests and what they did (or didn’t) accomplish. The Lasting Effects of Occupy Wall Street, Five Years Later Throwback: What Reason Saw at Occupy Wall Street Protests What Occupy Wall Street Got […]
Editor’s note: This piece was originally posted by Freedom Partners on July 31st, 2016. Minor edits were made to improve clarity. What does socialism look like in the real world? Cronyism. Inequality. Poverty. Despair. Human suffering on an immense scale. That’s the answer that Freedom Partners member — and Venezuela native — Erick Brimen gives in the video below. […]
At least from a libertarian perspective, the otherwise appealing ideological vision of Star Trek is compromised by its commitment to socialism.
This piece was originally published at the Cato Institute. Tune into Learn Liberty’s Facebook page on Monday at 3pm for a Facebook Live event with professor Steve Hanke on this topic. With the arrival of President Hugo Chávez in 1999, Venezuela embraced Chavismo, a form of Andean socialism. In 2013, Chávez met the Grim Reaper […]