Long before Africa was colonized, the continent boasted sophisticated systems of governance rooted in tradition and culture. These systems were led by traditional leaders, kings, chiefs, and elders responsible for guiding their communities and maintaining social order. Leadership was often hereditary, balanced by councils or assemblies representing the broader community. However, many African leaders also […]
In this video Reem walks us through 6 free-market principles that will maximize the likelihood of climate benefits in the future.
Liberalism is a great product, but it often doesn’t sell very well, despite spearheading the astronomical leap in prosperity over the past 200 years.
So, what are liberals getting wrong and how can they sell freedom more effectively?
Responsibility: For some the word conjures up images of old people lecturing young people about sitting up straight, doing their homework, and writing thank-you notes to elderly aunts.
Unsurprisingly, we’re expected to think it’s boring, tedious, a diversion from our enjoyment of our freedom. The goal of freedom, the images suggest, is to escape responsibilities.
In fact, embracing responsibility is neither boring, nor tedious, nor a diversion from freedom.
Last Christmas, Pope Francis criticized holiday consumerism, saying that ours is “a society often intoxicated by consumerism … wealth and extravagance.”
To understand why this sort of critique is mistaken, and why consumerism and capitalism deserve our love at Christmastime and throughout the year, we need to go back to basics.
Shaming may be successful at shutting people up. But changing their minds? That’s a different task entirely.
Well-behaved women seldom make history, but they should.
Upon seeing a copy of the (now classic) fighting game Mortal Kombat, Senator Joe Lieberman announced his intention to introduce legislation that would prohibit the sale of such games to minors.
Freedom is an essential component of human morality at all levels.
Here are the top six Learn Liberty resources for interpreting Wikileaks’ “Vault 7” documents on the CIA.
This year’s Oscar nominations offer up a few really excellent stories about individuals resisting the pressures of both collectives and the state.
One of the most egregious misunderstandings about trade is that the government of country A should allow its people to trade freely with peoples of other countries only if governments of, and producers in, other countries “play by the rules” – which usually means “plays according to the rules that the rulers and politically powerful […]
Kant was self-consciously an Enlightenment liberal who believed in limited government and maximum freedom.
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, bright and cheery, In the penthouse of my tower on the fifty-seventh floor — While I sat there, Donald Trumping, suddenly there came a thumping, As of someone gently bumping, bumping up against my door. “’Tis some immigrant,” I muttered, “coming in to clean the floor — […]
Identity politics, usually portrayed as a spectre haunting liberalism, is actually key to understanding uprisings against state power.
So 2016 is limping to an end with an assassination of an ambassador, another “inspired” attack on innocents at a Christmas market, and the formal election of a master crony-capitalist to the office of the presidency of the United States.
Encryption was at the heart of the ideas that led to the America’s founding.
Now is the time to defend the liberty that makes possible a global civilization that enables friendship, family, cooperation, trade, mutual benefit, science, wisdom — in a word, life — and to challenge the modern anti-libertarian triumvirate and reveal the emptiness at its heart.
So here it is — halfway through December already! That friendship you started at last year’s ISFLC, FEE seminar, or IHS conference has miraculously lasted. You are happy, and maybe even in love. And now you need a gift for your liberty-loving partner.
In 1950, a British dry cleaner refused to show his papers and brought down the whole system of national identity registration.
Classical liberals all agree that government should be limited, but they disagree about how they get to that conclusion.
Is tyranny of the majority still a threat? Alexis de Tocqueville would say so.
Truly virtuous behavior cannot be compelled. Demonstrating virtue and consequently inspiring people to be virtuous is a fundamental and necessary component of a free society.
A good part of the ethics of enterprise is reflected in the integrity, discipline, and quality of character that must enter into those individuals who choose the role of entrepreneurial leadership.
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