“Colonization is why Africa is so poor” is something I hear all the time. But it was not until recently that I realized: This impulsive defense of Africa is far from the full truth.
Disasters, such as the horrific earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria in February 2023, bring up a recurring myth — one that demands the wisdom of Frederic Bastiat.
This is the second of Learn Liberty’s “Legends” series. Read our first, on Ayn Rand, HERE. He never won a Nobel Prize. He never wrote a New York Times bestseller. In the history books, he doesn’t sit alongside Adam Smith, Ludwig von Mises, and Friedrich Hayek as all-time great economists. He doesn’t even have an […]
Frederic Bastiat lived a prolific life and left an even grander legacy.
Keynesian prognostication aside, natural disasters are always bad for economic growth.
In the current debate about the minimum wage, some argue that higher minimum wages boost the economy overall. If workers receive higher wages, the reasoning goes, then they will have more money to spend, and their increased spending will boost business all around. In this news video, for example, an activist in the citizen action […]
Henry Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson was written by Henry Hazlitt and first published 70 years ago, in 1946. The book is based on Frederic Bastiat’s famous essay, “What Is Seen and What Is Not Seen,” and details a number of economic fallacies. The whole book is available to read for free online, thanks to […]
Looking to learn more about Austrian economics, libertarianism, or classical liberal thought? The Mises Institute (named for famed Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises, author of Human Action) offers a huge online library of books, journal articles, and other writings on a range of topics related to Austrian economics and classical liberalism. Here are just a […]
We have lived in Providence, RI for almost four years. I still am not accustomed to the driving habits of Rhode Islanders. There are the ones I might have expected moving up here from Georgia: the honk when the light turns green but I don’t move fast enough, the infrequent use of turn signals when […]