Looking at inequality doesn’t tell us anything substantial about prosperity in a given country. Is inequality the real problem, or is it poverty?
Capitalism can be viewed as an economic system that has been a driving force in many advanced economies, fostered growth and innovation, enabled people to lift themselves out of poverty, and greatly improved living standards. But it also has many staunch critics, who will argue that, regardless of outcomes or track records, it is a deeply harmful and exploitative system. So, to clear up any confusion, what really is capitalism, and what isn’t it?
Lower taxes are known to contribute to long-term economic growth, and after enduring so many economic setbacks, this would be the best chance millennials have of being able to secure a brighter future.
There are good reasons to believe that the AICOA would not enhance economic freedom nor improve overall welfare. This is a problem, not because big tech needs more defenders, but because it would stifle competition and economic freedom.
The history of Marxism (and its offspring, Communism) in Latin America is a sordid one. Many of its brutal dictators, including Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, and Pedro Castillo, have used the Marxist doctrine as a stepstool to power. But, as this video argues, those dictators only succeeded in plunging their countries into poverty — as Marxism promises to do anywhere its ideas are adopted.
My 85-pound pit bull lives better than most people on this planet do. He eats superior food, drinks clean water, and sleeps inside a comfortable house on a comfortable bed.
The astonishing growth in SEZs qualifies as a revolution of sorts, but not the usual, political kind.
Watson offered up a simple truism about feminism that is more powerful than it might sound: “Feminism is about giving women choice.”
Today is International Women’s Day and, in some of the least surprising news of the day, it turns out that women’s equality ties into economic freedom. International Women’s Day was founded by the American Socialist Party in 1909 and usually ends up celebrating women in government, politics, and statism, but let’s look at something else. […]
If human flourishing is our goal, we must return to a society where economic freedom is championed.
I was still a Soviet citizen when I first read some of the international documents on human, economic, and political rights.
The most far-fetched myth that I’ve encountered recently is that the wealth of the modern Western world, especially that of the United States, is the product of slavery.
Let’s say that you’re a policymaker interested in reducing the size of government. Strategically, is it easier to cut government regulation or roll back the welfare state (thereby reducing government spending)?
A good part of the ethics of enterprise is reflected in the integrity, discipline, and quality of character that must enter into those individuals who choose the role of entrepreneurial leadership.
The right of humans to freely cooperate on an open market is the surest way to bring about not only economic, but human harmony.
After putting a “For Sale” sign in the window of his car, which was parked on the street outside his home, Michael Cefali was surprised to receive a $50 ticket from the city of San Juan Capistrano. According to the Orange County Register, Cefali violated a city code which “prohibits the parking of a vehicle […]
From The Atlantic’s Marian Tupy: Let us start at the well of the socialist renewal, the Vermont senator. Sanders, as everyone knows, calls himself a “democratic socialist.” The word “democratic” is fundamental here, because historically socialism has not, typically, come about as a result of free and fair elections. In most socialist countries, like the […]
In this video Professor Deirdre McCloskey explains how property rights and economic freedom has resulted in a dramatic explosion in overall wealth. Why then do you think free markets and capitalist are derided so much in society? Let us know what you think in the comments!
Without economic freedom, we cannot exercise our other freedoms. The freedom to speak is meaningless if the government prevents us from traveling from our homes or paying for a phone call. The freedom to write is meaningless if the government prevents us from selling newspapers. The freedom to worship is meaningless if the government forces […]
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