Are socialists “liars?” Depends on your definition — and whether they truly believe what they say. But this much is for sure: they tell and/or believe in lies. ️🔥 Watch Juan Carlos Hidalgo’s Last Video: WHY IS LATIN AMERICA SO CORRUPT – ️🔥 Those lies, though, are persuasive to a lot of people. Once […]
When a worsening economic crisis saw anti-government protests erupt in Cuba, the regime was quick to blame U.S. sanctions instead of its own policies
Recently, Cuba has seen an unprecedented wave of protests against the ruling communist regime. Could freedom be on the horizon for Cuba?
We spoke with Christian Watson, about LGBTQ+ allyship and how socialists have not always been true allies to the cause.
For some fifty years, the US has had a policy of welcoming refugees fleeing the brutal communist dictatorship in Cuba. In the 1990s, the policy was changed to “wetfoot, dryfoot,”under which Cubans who succeeded in reaching the United States would be allowed to stay, but those unfortunate enough to be caught at sea were barred. On […]
Commerce brings out the best in human beings by providing incentives to care about others. Those who can’t rise above focusing on their short-term narrow needs have little ability to meet the needs of others.
For 50 years, America has offered an escape hatch for victims of the Castro regime; now President Obama is slamming it shut.
In my mind, then, Castro is a lot like the minimum wage: something we must stubbornly decry even though there are far greater ills in the world.
Soon to be legalized Cuban tourism could help lift Cuba out of crushing poverty after of decades of socialism.
Today is the 55th anniversary of the disastrous 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion, which consisted of a “secret” U.S.-sponsored military operation intended to overthrow the government of Cuban leader Fidel Castro. The invasion failed miserably and was defeated in just three days. What it succeeded in doing was strengthening Cuba’s leadership and its ties with […]
This month, President Obama visited Cuba, becoming the first sitting U.S. president to do so since 1959. The President has been criticized for normalizing the U.S. relationship with Cuba, in light of the country’s Communist regime and human rights abuses. That list of abuses, according to a 2015 report by Human Rights Watch, includes arbitrary […]