A former U.S. Representative for Michigan’s 3rd congressional district, Justin Amash stood out for his commitment to upholding the Constitution and pro-liberty principles.
One of the most compelling aspects of Justin Amash’s political journey lies in his unapologetic exposure of the deeply flawed political system he witnessed firsthand.
In the hyperpartisan culture war, increasingly radical and uncompromising political factions seek to leverage division to cement their own power
At LibertyCon International, former Congressman Justin Amash will sit down with Reason’s Katherine Mangu-Ward to discuss how a broken political process and the concentration of power in a few congressional leaders has resulted in this increased polarization and greater distrust of governing institutions.
The Build Back Better Act is an attempt by the Biden administration to distribute handouts for specific sets of voters ahead of the 2022 midterms
As we witnessed during the 2020 election season, and as we are sure to witness during the upcoming holiday season, the United States Postal Service doesn’t exactly instill confidence.
Donald Trump’s decision to bomb an airfield in Syria has led many to wonder: doesn’t Trump need authorization from Congress?
Most legal scholars agree that Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch has the necessary experience, expertise, and temperament to be confirmed as Justice Scalia’s replacement. But suppose the Democrats decide to filibuster the nomination and Republicans can’t get the 60 votes needed to break the filibuster? If that happens, you can expect the Republicans to “go […]
Why would the legislature want the executive to have more power? Why would they voluntarily cede some of their power?
This bill is a train wreck waiting to happen.
Wouldn’t a fleet of supersonic aircraft overland create intolerable sonic booms that would rattle windows and scare livestock?
The incentive structure of the federal government needs adjusting.
It is the peripheral positions in modern politics, on both right and left, that inevitably deteriorate into tyranny.
Over twenty years ago, I published an article that argued that the rule of law was not only a myth, but an extremely dangerous one that causes people “to be willing not only to relinquish a large measure of [their] own freedom, but to enthusiastically support the state in the suppression of others’ freedom as […]
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