Trans Talks (Episode 2): Changing Hearts

Deirdre McCloskey,

Release Date
November 19, 2015


Civil Liberties

What is the solution to transgender violence? Do we try and change the way the state approaches trans people? Do we try to have more cultural understanding? Professor Deirde McCloskey joins us to discuss what changes need to be made and changing our hearts for the transgender community.
Click here to watch Episode 1, and stay tuned for Episode 3 (to be released Thursday, 11/26/2015).

“What else can we learn from Prof. Deirdre McCloskey? New videos from Learn Liberty” (blog): Students For Liberty highlights Learn Liberty’s Trans Talks series.
“The Condition of Transgender Women: Libertarian Perspectives” (column):Libertarian perspectives on discrimination against and oppression of trans women.
“How Can Libertarians Help Trans People?” (podcast): Young Voices podcast on ways libertarians can support trans people and issues.
“Know Your Rights” (website): Legal guide for trans people from Lambda Legal.
Trans Lifeline (Website): Crisis and suicide hotline for transgender individuals staffed by transgender individuals.
Trans Housing Network (website): A temporary housing network intended to connect trans people in need with safe and supportive places to stay.