Tomorrow is Mardi Gras, the celebration of debauchery and vice before the Lenten season begins. For many revelers that means consuming alcohol, tobacco, and drugs – something that is made much more difficult because of counterproductive government regulations.
Learn Liberty has a new On Demand program, Vice City, that explains all the ways that the government kills our buzz. Professors Peter Jaworski, Aeon Skoble, and Daniel D’Amico take you on a journey of all things vice. You’ll learn about how deregulation of craft beers has helped revolutionize the entire industry, how alcohol laws do the opposite of what they intend, and how anti-smoking laws infringe on individual liberty. You’ll also learn about the unintended consequences of the drug war.
Click here to sign up now.
To learn more about how the drug war affects you, watch the eight part video series below with Alex Kreit, Professor of Law at Thomas Jefferson School of law. He highlights the wild, wacky, and downright depressing aspects of government regulations on drugs. Something to think about when celebrating Mardi Gras.