Regardless of one’s position on eating meat, one can still care about not intentionally inflicting pain on animals.
Wouldn’t a fleet of supersonic aircraft overland create intolerable sonic booms that would rattle windows and scare livestock?
If human flourishing is our goal, we must return to a society where economic freedom is championed.
To survive, even the most successful companies have to be willing to quickly dispense with yesterday’s winning business plan
The free-market concept is simple — private property owners should be able to preside over whatever policies they want.
The following words represent the generally acknowledged mindset of a bureaucrat: “Rules are rules, fella. I don’t make ‘em. I just enforce ‘em.”
Profits and rising stock prices in a system of economic nationalism and cronyism reflect the satisfaction of the desires of those with political power.
“I learned in economics that in ‘perfect competition’ profits are zero, so any actual profits come from some kind of monopoly power. So how could profits be good?”
Have you ever stopped and looked around the grocery store? There are thousands of products neatly arranged and conveniently located just for you.
The Economic Way of Thinking can help improve decision-making, even in areas you wouldn’t think to look.
The health care debate has been long on hysterics and short on useful analysis. Incendiary and counterproductive rhetoric about socialism, Nazis, and death panels from some corners notwithstanding, critics of socialized medicine raise an important question with uncomfortable answers: in the absence of profits, losses, and prices, how will decisions about the production and allocation […]