Welcome to a world where AI and automation helps to transform the job market in ways we never imagined, and maybe, just maybe, makes us laugh along the way (we’ll get to that part).
Soylent Green (1973), a dystopian sci-fi movie, depicts a world suffering from overpopulation, climate change, and extreme inequality, where the rich exploit and own the poor, who survive on the evil Soylent Corporation’s processed plankton. As 2022, the year in which Soylent Green was set, has now passed, the movie’s grim predictions of overpopulation have proven misguided.
The incentives politicians face reward the concentration and consolidation of power.
Whether you’re a casual moviegoer or a diehard cinephile, you will learn a lot about government from watching these ten great movies, all of which are rated as being some of the best of all time by IMDb and the American Film Institute.
Swastika Night is one of the first works of fiction to address the question, “What if the Nazis won the war?”
My message to you today is simple: don’t miss this book. There is a lot to be learned about liberty here.
Westworld is first and foremost a depiction of the corrosive nature of total power — an illustration of Lord Acton’s quote that “absolute power corrupts absolutely” — as seen through the character of Dr. Robert Ford.
As Tyler Cowen puts it, in many ways “this is the real Star Wars movie that many of you have been waiting for.”
Batman is wrong about Superman. Here’s why.
When we get a spare moment around the metaphorical water cooler, we love to gab about the latest shows we’re binge-watching. It should come as no surprise that these conversations quickly turn to how libertarianism applies to our favorite shows.
Here are three movies that can help to demonstrate the concept of public choice theory in action.
Thanks to people like Rey, secondhand power converters make their way into the hands of idealistic young future pilots shopping at Tosche Station.
I’ll take “Best nuanced commentary on contemporary American politics” for $500.
It took Star Wars: The Force Awakens just 20 days to become the number one North American movie of all time. Obi Wan Kenobi might say the movie has become more powerful than we could possibly imagine. But there are a few things about the movie franchise that even hardcore fans may not know. For […]
Learn Liberty: First, when did you join the Learn Liberty team and what is your role? Eric Andreasen: I joined the Learn Liberty team as a marketing intern in 2013. In addition to my duties as Marketing Coordinator, I manage the organization’s social media accounts. LL: How did you find your way to the philosophy […]
Over at the Foundation for Economic Education, Jeffrey Tucker has broken down the political allegories of the Hunger Games. With the long-awaited finale of the Hunger Games series just recently released, it’s a great time to consider the political implications of the story, especially considering the series’ popularity with young people. Tucker touches on many […]
Check out the whole post at Rare. Looking for a list of fall movies that are actually worth your time? Look no further. These four flicks—two true stories, one historical fiction, and one a Bill Murray comedy—are the cream of fall 2015’s crop, each offering a unique liberty-friendly message. First up is Suffragette, giving the […]
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