Can you imagine living in a country where your government can kill you for not following a state-imposed dress code; or jail you for ten years for sharing a video of yourself dancing with your fiance; or kidnap you for daring to speak your mind? Iranians live in such a place.
In Iran, people across all generations and backgrounds are demonstrating together with one voice. As the weeks go by, Iranians are remaining resolute in demanding real change.
“I didn’t choose this fight. It was imposed upon me eleven years ago, when I was the editor responsible for publication of the so-called Danish Muhammad cartoons. “
At first glance, classical liberalism and Islam seem to be not just incompatible, but in complete opposition.
Throughout the presidential campaign, there was much talk of a Muslim registry. Fortunately, that seems to have fallen by the wayside since the election, and the Trump administration has been consistent, thus far, in denying it will pursue one. Still, we should remain vigilant about it because something similar is still on the table: a […]
A society can’t close itself off and remain free.
During his inaugural address, Donald Trump vowed to “completely eradicate” radical Islamic terrorism. Today, in its first moves intended to do that, the administration acknowledged its plans for a complete ban on immigrants and refugees from several majority Muslim countries.
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, bright and cheery, In the penthouse of my tower on the fifty-seventh floor — While I sat there, Donald Trumping, suddenly there came a thumping, As of someone gently bumping, bumping up against my door. “’Tis some immigrant,” I muttered, “coming in to clean the floor — […]
Imposing the values of secularism on “oppressed” Muslim women who wish to buy burkinis merely replaces one form of religious oppression with another.
The terrorism risk posed by refugees and asylum-seekers could skyrocket in the future and justify significant changes in either humanitarian immigration programs, including more intense screening or other actions. The recent attacks in Minnesota, New York, and New Jersey, however, do not justify such drastic changes.
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