Ayn Rand has inspired countless readers from various walks of life, including some you might have heard of.
Many notable people from fields as diverse as comic books, rock music, activism, and business have credited her as a significant influence.
Let’s look at five such individuals…
Although highly unknown beyond the Free Syria movement, an often-forgotten cause, Ibrahim Qashoush was a popular singer during the beginning of the Syrian Revolution. He soon became one of the countless victims of the Assad regime’s brutality. This is his story.
Should fashion designs be eligible for copyrights? When I listen to people talk about this issue, many of the same interesting arguments come up. These people know about designer knockoffs and feel that something is not quite fair about them. Yet they also view copyists as moving innovation along in the fashion world. Copying releases […]
Whether it’s music, art, or commerce, it’s competition that makes the world beautiful.
Hamilton the Musical takes liberties with American history.
The tremendous expansion of the middle class that came along with industrialization was crucial in stimulating a new market for art. The trappings of luxury that in prior centuries were limited to the extremely wealthy became more affordable, just as there were more consumers who sought to decorate their homes in ways that signaled their social level.