Would Taxing the Rich Fix the Deficit?
In 2009, the government’s budget deficit was $1.5 trillion. Many have suggested raising taxes on the richest Americans to help offset the budget shortfall. Economics professor Antony Davies uses data to assess whether taxing the rich could possibly make up the difference.
First, Professor Davies shows that the richest 5 percent of Americans already pay a tax rate almost three times higher than the average tax rate of the remaining 95 percent. It’s hard to argue that the richest aren’t paying a fair share of taxes. Aside from that, for the richest Americans to shoulder the deficit, we would have to raise their effective tax rate to 88 percent. At 88 percent, a family earning $300,000 each year has only $36,000 after taxes—less than the average American earns.
Professor Davies shows other scenarios that would be necessary to pay the $1.5 trillion difference between government revenue and government spending. Realistically, taxing the rich is not going to be able to solve this problem. “The budget deficit is so large that there simply aren’t enough rich people to tax to raise enough to balance the budget,” Professor Davies says. It is time to start working on legitimate solutions, like cutting spending.
To view Professor Davies’ data sources, check out the Congressional Budget Office’s workbook on income and taxes here! (Prof. Davies culls his data from sheet #6 titled “Income Source Before-Tax Inc”, columns B – G)
Would Taxing the Rich Fix the Deficit?
Can we balance the budget by taxing the rich? Let’s look at how much Americans pay in federal taxes compared to their incomes. Accounting for federal income taxes and tax credits, the richest 5 percent of Americans paid almost 30 percent in taxes in 2009. The 20 percent of poorest Americans paid negative 1 percent, that is, they received more money back than they paid in. Some argue that the rich aren’t paying their fair share of taxes. Yet the tax rate on the rich is almost three times the tax rate on all other Americans.