Why Do We Exchange Things?
What can we learn about markets from a WWII POW camp? According to British economist R. A. Radford, POWs found that rather than give away unwanted rations to other POWs, “goodwill developed into trading as a more equitable means of maximizing individual satisfaction.” Professor Michael C. Munger explores what makes exchange more equitable than simply giving gifts. He finds that exchange is important for two reasons:
1. It corrects mistakes in allocation by moving things toward higher-valued uses.
2. It makes everyone involved in exchange happier.
Prof. Munger provides a few examples of how exchange can make people better off without changing the total amount of wealth available. In one case, two people each have the same items but different preferences. In this case, they will exchange so each one has more of his or her preference. In another case, two people each have a different item, but both prefer to have some of both items. They will exchange so each one ends up with some of each item and both are happier. Exchange can even make people better off when they have different items and different preferences. This is the power of markets.
The Economic Organization of a P.O.W. Camp[article]: Economist R.A. Radford recounts his tale of market development and exchange in the most unlikely of places – a Prisoner of War camp
Free Trade and Comparative Advantage
: How does trading make people better off? Economics professor Art Carden explains in this quick lesson on one of the most important concepts in economics: trade creates wealth
Desert Island Game (game, beginner): Can you learn something about trade and cooperation by being marooned on a desert island?
Trade Ruler (game, advanced): As the Supreme Ruler of an island, you want the country to prosper. By engaging in international trade, you can achieve this goal.
Trade and Specialization(video): A cadre of economic scholars explains the marvel of how specialization and trade saves us work and makes us better off
Gains from Trade(video): A short video explaining how specialization and exchange makes everyone better off
Treasure Island: The Power of Trade. Part II. How Trade Transforms Our Standard of Living[article]: Why did Bill Belichick become head coach of the New England Patriots instead of an economist? Trade, of course!
The Magic of Free Trade[article]: The benefit to society of free trade is so easy to see, even a fifth grader can understand!
Why Do We Exchange Things?