Prof. Antony Davies: 7 Myths You Learned in High School About the Great Depression

If you went to high school in America, you were told a lot of things about the Great Depression. Those things were probably wrong. (And they were based on a poor or nonexistent understanding of economics.)
Meet Prof. Davies in person! He will be at LibertyCon International in Miami on October 14-15. See the link to know more:
In this video, long-time Learn Liberty favorite, Professor Antony Davies of Duquesne University, debunks 7 of the most common myths that are taught in American high schools and universities. To do so, he relies on well-researched data, his career as an educator, and a lifetime of studying economics.
Are there any important myths we should cover in a future video? Chime in below in the comments!
0:00 Introduction
0:18 Myth #1: The Great Depression began with the stock market crash of October 1929.
4:16 Myth #2. President Herbert Hoover’s laissez-faire economic policies caused the Depression.
10:39 Myth #3: The Great Depression was a global crisis.
13:18 Myth #4: By joining countries in a fixed currency exchange, the Gold Standard made the Depression spread throughout the world. (via
14:39 Myth #5: Bank mismanagement and profiteering were responsible for insolvency and bank runs.
19:14 Myth #6: The Only Thing, as FDR Said, We Had to Fear Was Fear Itself.
20:42 Myth #7: World War II ended the Great Depression.
21:24 Summary: The 5 Things that Caused the Great Depression.