John Stossel: I don’t put my faith in politicians

Learn Liberty sat down with John Stossel for a freewheeling interview, touching on his childhood, career, current events, Edward Snowden, rapid-fire questions, and more.
John gave thoughtful takes, hot takes, and funny takes. See the Chapters below for the questions we asked him.
0:00 Intro/Worst law ever
0:57 What started your transition from almost-socialist to free marketeer?
4:54 Was there anything in your childhood that inclined you toward liberty?
6:06 What characteristics suggest someone is open to classical liberal ideas?
6:44 Who inspired you?
7:50 Differences between today’s journalism and the journalism you grew up with?
10:00 What’s it like to be recognized?
10:39 The most fun/interesting story you ever got to cover?
13:28 What was Edward Snowden like?
14:28 Tell us about your recent lawsuit of Facebook.
18:31 Where do you land on panic over climate change?
21:13 What are some stories that will shape the next decade or two?
23:39 Thoughts on inflation?
23:59 Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
24:33 Rapid-fire questions