Short answer: Yes, you should be able to pay for sex. When two consenting people (a prostitute and her client) agree to a trade (money for sex), and that trade doesn’t immediately, directly, or violently affect a third party, they should be free to make that trade. By the way, you should also be able […]
Consensual sex is legal. But as soon as one party offers cash to another in exchange for sex and that money is voluntarily accepted, it’s considered prostitution, and that is illegal.
Like it or not, drawing penises is a time-honored college tradition just like pulling all-nighters and playing drinking games. But when a University of Delaware student drew a penis on a giant beach ball in a free expression exercise, he was told by campus police that it violated the school’s sexual misconduct policies. It’s certainly […]
In September, 2014, Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 967 in to law, requiring colleges in California to adopt certain policies dealing with campus sexual assault in order to maintain their eligibility for state funding. One of the most controversial requirements of the bill was a mandate that campuses adopt a policy of “affirmative consent” […]