Consensual sex is legal. But as soon as one party offers cash to another in exchange for sex and that money is voluntarily accepted, it’s considered prostitution, and that is illegal.
The pursuit of profit in the free market is often cited as the main cause of environmental disasters and poor environmental quality, leading to a lot of blame placed on entrepreneurs. However, this is certainly not set in stone. Indeed, the pursuit of profit can actually protect the environment, rather than devastate it.
The key difference is not whether people are seeking to make money, but how they seek to make money.
The free-market concept is simple — private property owners should be able to preside over whatever policies they want.
Why is a model of education that is also profitable seen as such a bad thing?
We spend a lot of time and energy getting gifts for our loved ones. Yet a look at the return lines in many stores this time of year seems to indicate our time could be better spent wrapping a corresponding amount of cash. Why don’t we?
Trump’s trade policies miss one of the most fundamental economic concepts: When two parties engage in trade, they are both better off.
The spread of markets into the healthcare sector has allowed us to live longer than ever before.
Businesses aren’t charities. They are money-making ventures that exist by and for profit. Everything else is a bonus.
As I was walking around the waterfront in Vancouver, I noticed some beautiful yachts. I took a picture with the largest, dreaming about how nice it would be to have one of my own. After my walk, I returned to my hotel room, scrolled through the television channels, and stumbled across the show Secret Lives […]