Two years on from Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, let’s examine and debunk some of the bogus justifications put forth by the fascist regime in Moscow and Putin’s alternative “history” that he uses in his attempts to delegitimize the Ukrainian nation.
The Chinese regime inherently rejects the ideas and values of individual liberty, meaningful economic freedom, transparency and human rights
Let’s take a brief look at the history of Iran’s nuclear program and former nuclear agreements to see where we might be headed.
President Washington famously warned against entangling alliances in his farewell address to Congress. But now more than ever, it seems that escalations across the globe are tempting the United States to become increasingly involved in other countries’ dilemmas. American citizens and legislators must remember part of what made the American experiment so unique and resist the temptation of interventionism. Here’s why…
The Chinese regime’s claims on Arunachal Pradesh are wholly unjustified. The preference of a region’s inhabitants as well as international agreements are far more relevant factors when determining its status than claims based on ancient history and expansionist aggression.
In recent weeks, the Central Asian nation of Kazakhstan has seen anti-government protests on a scale not seen during its three decades of independence
Are Trump’s cabinet full of generals, his openness to torture, and the “peace through strength” message from the White House all signs that he plans to rely on military power.