Today, more than ever, journalism is confronted with significant challenges, especially with media outlets striving to captivate audiences and deliver returns to shareholders.
But what happens when sensationalism and biased narratives become the norm? Where can individuals turn for accurate information when journalists prioritize agendas over facts? And how do we find common ground in an era of intense political division and factionalism?
Right now, activists in Bosnia and Herzegovina, specifically within the region of Republika Srpska, are bracing themselves for an array of new challenges as the government plans to enact a law that will impose strict oversight and intense scrutiny of non-governmental organizations. Those receiving funding from abroad will be required to register as “foreign agents.”
Under the guise of supporting local news outlets in Canada, Bill C-18 aims to censor all news outlets on social media platforms unless their companies offer compensation to Canadian news outlets for the news they provide.
The KGB still runs Russia. In its structure of power, the same organization that inflicted terror in Soviet times is still calling the shots.
On December 15, 2022, under Elon Musk, Twitter suspended several prominent journalists’ accounts from publications such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, and CNN, among others.
The brutality and totalitarianism that Orwell portrays in 1984 remains a far-off nightmare for much of the world. But not all of the world.
The Prague Spring of 1968 has a legacy that proved influential in the downfall of the Eastern Bloc a generation later, and continues to inspire to this day.
Is free expression only an instrumental good, i.e., good because it results in good consequences? Or is it intrinsically good, in and of itself? The answer is both.
Recently, Cuba has seen an unprecedented wave of protests against the ruling communist regime. Could freedom be on the horizon for Cuba?
Controversies surrounding the funding of college publications with student fees illustrate some important difficulties when it comes to the funding and activities of the federal government. Wesleyan University’s student government cut funding for the campus newspaper in the wake of an op-ed critical of the Black Lives Matter movement. The University of California at San […]
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