A Tale of Two Countries: Botswana and Zimbabwe
According to Prof. Scott Beaulier, when most people think of Africa and the standard of living it provides, they tend to think of the entire continent as a whole rather than the individual countries. This type of thinking, however, overlooks some large differences that exist between African countries. Specifically, when comparing Botswana to other African countries, there is a stark contrast in living conditions. Prof. Scott Beaulier analyzes the data and explains why these differences in living standards exist.
Credits: This lecture was delivered in 2009 at the Metropolitan State College of Denver School of Business, as part of the Exploring Economic Freedom Lecture Series, directed by Prof. Alexandre Padilla. This video was produced and directed by Scott Houck, and edited by Adrienne Christy. Video production provided by the Educational Technology Center at Metropolitan State College of Denver. Video used by Learn Liberty with permission.