Michael Bronski is Professor of Practice in Media and Activism in Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality. He has been involved with LGBT politics since 1969 as an activist, organizer, writer, publisher, editor, and independent scholar.
Bronski’s last book You Can Tell Just by Looking and 20 Other Myths about LGBT Life and People (2013) (co-auhored with Ann Pelligrini and Michael Amico) was nominated for a Lambda Literary Award for Best Non-Fiction, A Queer History of the United States (2011), was awarded the Israel Fishman Non-Fiction Award for best LGBT book of 2010 by the American Library Association, as well as the Lambda Literary Award for the Best Non-Fiction Book of 2012. His other works include Culture Clash: The Making of Gay Sensibility (1984),The Pleasure Principle: Sex, Backlash and he Making of Gay Freedom (1998), and Pulp Friction: Uncovering the Golden Age of Gay Male Pulps (2003), which won a Lambda Literary Award for Best Anthology in 2004. His 1996 anthology Taking Liberties: Gay Men’s Essays on Politics, Culture and Sex won the Lambda Literary Award for Best Anthology in 1997. His work is included in over fifty anthologies. He currently edits the Queer Action / Queer Ideas series for Beacon Press. His next book, Considering Hate: Violence, Goodness, and Justice in American Culture and Politics (co-authored with Kay Whitlock) will be published in January 2015.
Since 1970 Bronski has written extensively on culture, politics, film, theater, books, sexuality, LGBT culture, and current events in publications such as The Village Voice, Cineaste, The Los Angeles Times, The Boston Globe, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Utne Reader, Boston Phoenix, TheAdvocate, Boston Gay Review, Lambda Book Report, Z, The Nation, and Radical America.
Bronski has been awarded the 1995 AIDS Action Committee Community Recognition Award for 20 years of journalism on gay and AIDS-related topics; the 1996 Cambridge Lavender Alliance Lifetime Achievement Award for journalism and political organizing; the 1999 The Martin Duberman Fellowship for scholarly research in LGBT studies, awarded by the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies, City University of New York; the 1999 Stonewall Award, in recognition for “helping improve the lives and LGBT people in the United States” ($25,000 honorarium) granted by the Anderson Prize Foundation; the 2004 Leadership Award from the D-GALA (Dartmouth Gay and Lesbian Alumni Association); and the 2008 Distinguished Lecturer Award granted by Dean of Faculty of Dartmouth College.
His research interests include: LGBT history and culture, film, theater, contemporary U.S. culture, and children’s literature. He is currently at work on two new books: a YA version of A Queer History of the United States to be published in September 2015 and The World Turned Upside Down: The Queerness of Children’s Literature. Beacon Press, forthcoming, fall of 2016.