Each year, on October 1, approximately 20 percent of the world’s population celebrates the 1949 birth of the People’s Republic of China. The Chinese proletariat celebrate the anniversary by witnessing the People’s Liberation Army parade through the streets of Beijing.
80 percent of the world’s population views this Communist showboating with indifference, but a negligible minority grows increasingly concerned over a burgeoning dictatorship that grows more emboldened and determined with each passing year. The trepidation is fueled by a political party that continues to violate human rights at home while expanding both blatant and clandestine aggression worldwide.
How did a country, once regarded as a Third World backwater of peasants, bicycles, and kerosene lamps, become a world superpower in a span of roughly forty years? In large part, we can thank the leadership of the nation that the PRC is about to overtake: the United States of America.
In 1971, Henry Kissinger, then National Security Advisor to President Richard Nixon, made his famous secret sojourn to the PRC by way of Pakistan. Upon returning, he sold the nation’s political elite on the concept of “opening the door” to the PRC.
This policy would provide the U.S. with economic access to a mass of humanity virtually untouched by the outside world, as well as a so-called “China Card” to be played against the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. This was to be done for purposes of diplomatic gamesmanship or, as Kissinger called it, “triangulation”.
Intelligence analysts wrote rosy reports of international nirvana with the establishment of diplomatic relations. But many apparently failed to read the works of ancient Chinese strategic thinker, Sun Tzu Wu, especially when it comes to deception:
“For to achieve 100 victories in 100 battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.”
As a result of this oversight, the PRC began to grow in economic might.
Mao Zedong, glorified creator of the PRC slaughterhouse, is considered responsible for the death of over 70 million fellow Chinese citizens during his reign. The carnage was for various reasons: state-enforced relocation, implementation of various socialist schemes, mass pogroms against citizens possessing counter-revolutionary tendencies and, sadly, the worst famine in human history.
Mao’s embalmed body, on full display in a Tiananmen Square mausoleum, is venerated by disciples of an economic ideology which has brought more suffering than any movement in the history of humankind. It serves as the ultimate insult to those who lost their lives.
It has been over forty years since the death of Mao, and the contemporary record for PRC aggression around the world is now on steroids. Their foreign policy entails warfare by every means. The propaganda value of Hollywood, for example, is of primary interest. Disney and a host of other studios are bowing to the demands of Chinese censors. Who would have ever thought the American film industry would receive marching orders from the Chinese Communist Party?
Companies in the US are being bought with hordes of cash from PRC corporations. These include hotels, film studios, and private security companies. It is one thing to have a staunch ally invested in America; it is an entirely different matter when PLA military leaders make claims that war between the US and PRC is inevitable.
Having acquired massive amounts of technological innovation from the West, both willingly handed over or by theft, the PRC is now considered on equal footing with America. “Operation Sidewinder,” carried out approximately 20 years ago, should have served as a warning. The culmination of a joint investigation between the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Canadian Security and Intelligence Services, Sidewinder was designed to investigate the degree of Red Chinese penetration in Canadian society.
The findings were appalling, so much so that many of Canada’s political elites attempted to kill the report. Not only was the PRC going full tilt toward influencing Canadian politics, but its influence was operating worldwide.
Thousands of companies throughout North America were believed to be penetrated by PRC sympathizers disguised as loyal employees. PRC cash was flowing freely to willing hands, and Chinese corporations—nothing more than instruments of the Chinese Communist Party—were unleashed for the advancement of the state. The ultimate goal was to dethrone the United States as international hegemon.
Canada is a crown jewel for Chinese operations due to its border access and business integration with the American landscape. For example, Canadian software platforms used by educational institutions in the US hold a wealth of personal information. The value of a well-placed asset inside a company who is able to access the records of American students in colleges and universities across the nation is incalculable.
The world is witnessing the PRC moving across Asia and the Pacific at an unprecedented rate. This includes a modern road across Pakistan for the purpose of providing an overland route to the Middle East and Indian Ocean, bypassing the South China Sea; efforts in the South China Sea to build military bases capable of projecting power throughout the region; moves to influence governments throughout Latin America with favorable trade deals; managing the Panama Canal, while constructing a new one in Nicaragua; influencing the politics of Pacific island nations through the use of massive financial aid packages; all being paid for by the proceeds from an enormous trade deficit with the United States, one that reached over $51 billion in March 2015 alone.
What is the end game? The answer to this question hasn’t changed in over 3000 years: hegemonic world domination. Ancient China was once the most powerful empire in the world, and the current leadership wants to revisit its storied past. For the sake of liberty and human rights we can only hope they fail. The alternative is unimaginable.
To learn about how the Chinese Communist Party used the teachings of ancient thinkers like Confucius to suit their agenda, be sure to check out our video below:
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This piece solely expresses the opinion of the author and not necessarily the organization as a whole. Students For Liberty is committed to facilitating a broad dialogue for liberty, representing a variety of opinions.