Metro and I do not get along. Even when it isn’t on fire, which is rare, it manages to burn me up. A few weeks ago, I was on my way home from a party. I looked great, was a little tipsy, and was upset because I had dropped my phone while walking to the […]
For the last few weeks, the D.C. metro system has been an even bigger mess than usual. That’s saying a lot. A quick flashback to one of my blog posts in January will give you a snapshot of how ridiculous the whole situation has gotten: A few months ago, Metro had us thinking it had […]
This opinion piece by professor Antony Davies appeared in the Washington Post on October 16th. Below is an excerpt. Metro takes its bizarre victim-blaming a step further, saying that in order to right these “safety wrongs” and bring ridership numbers back to those seen in the golden days, it will be forced to increase fares. […]