While the use of the death penalty by authoritarian regimes is not surprising, what can be said for its use in countries that claim to be free societies?
A tragic irony lies in the contradiction of a so-called free society embracing a barbaric practice that fundamentally defies the very essence of freedom — the state’s ability to make an irreversible decision on whether an individual should live or die.
Before 1950, prison gangs didn’t even exist. Now, they control much of inmates’ daily lives —and not just on the inside.
Suspending driver’s licenses in the face of unpaid court costs is an ineffective way to force people to pay up.
Americans across the country celebrated the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. this week. And while this is an opportunity to remember all that MLK has done for the civil rights movement, it’s also a chance to reflect on the progress that still needs to be made. Exhibit A: the criminal justice system. In the […]
Can you imagine which country would imprison more of its citizens than China or Russia? If you’re an American, you’re living in it. In fact, more people are in prisons in the United States than in all other developed countries combined. In this program, we’ll show you how the criminal justice system is becoming an […]
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