If, like for most people, prices are an important factor in what foods you choose to buy, government subsidies have a significant impact on what ends up on your plate.
Walk down any aisle, and you’re likely to come across high-fructose corn syrup. This commonly used artificial sweetener owes its prevalence to government handouts to the corn industry. Generous subsidies enable the widespread use of high-fructose corn syrup, contributing to the overconsumption of sugary foods.
For decades, nuclear power has been shunned by mainstream environmentalism.
However, the Natural Resources Defense Council, a prominent environmentalist nonprofit, recently shut down its longstanding program dedicated to opposing the nuclear industry — and they’re not alone in this switch of priorities.
So, what is causing environmentalist groups to run out of steam in their anti-nuclear campaigns? Is mainstream environmentalism about to finally embrace nuclear power?
Understanding that it is governments – not free markets – that create harmful monopolies is monumentally essential in order to harbor a comprehension of basic economic principles.
Uncover how NIMBYism is driving the housing crisis, as residents use the power of the state to restrict development and reduce housing supply. Learn how this phenomenon is exacerbating affordability and accessibility issues for many individuals and families…
Trump’s cabinet appointments and the opposition to them reveals some important lessons for the role of interest group dynamics in the political process and its relationship to furthering a free and responsible society.
In 1930, total government expenditure was 10% of GDP. Of that, approximately 3% was federal spending, and 7% was state and local spending. Today, government expenditure is about 40% of GDP, with 25% of that spending federal, and the remaining 15% state and local.
It’s a useful illustration of the logic of political action when the state is in a position to dispense favors, whether those favors be subsidies or mandates or barriers to entry that protect special interests’ profits.
Editor’s Note: This is part one in a two part series from Sarah Skwire on women and liberty. You can read part two here. I’ve been a feminist for as long as I can remember. One of our oldest family stories is of Young Sarah asking Mom why Puppy Chow had a commercial that said “Don’t […]
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