If the subjects of knowledge are exclusively male, that is, if the subjects of female expertise are excluded from the process of knowledge, there is inevitably a distortion of reality. Libertarian feminists can play an important role in redirecting the movement toward individual rights and the freedom of everyone
If you missed the Reddit AMA with Professor Lauren Hall last week, fear not! We’ve taken the liberty of compiling some of the highlights for your viewing pleasure. You can check out the whole thing here. Dr. Hall is associate professor of political science at Rochester Institute of Technology. She is the author of Family and […]
Watson offered up a simple truism about feminism that is more powerful than it might sound: “Feminism is about giving women choice.”
We reached out to Learn Liberty professors for suggestions on great women whose achievements should earn them a place on US currency.
Opinions of Anne Hutchinson have, shall we say, covered the waterfront. In his masterful tome, Conceived in Liberty, 20th-century economist and libertarian historian Murray Rothbard cast her as a staunch individualist and the greatest threat to the “despotic Puritanical theocracy of Massachusetts Bay.” John Winthrop, the 2nd, 6th, 9th, and 12th governor of the Massachusetts […]
Two centuries before “women’s lib,” in the run-up to America’s Revolutionary War, Mercy Otis Warren was already a liberated woman by the standards of her day. And she did the liberating herself. In the latter half of the 18th century, Warren was an accomplished poet, playwright, pamphleteer, and historian — though much of what she […]
Almost two centuries before the women’s lib movement and a full century before the suffragettes, not all women were quiet subordinates to men. In this 1996 essay, historian Jim Powell provides us with an illuminating account of the brilliant Mary Wollstonecraft, an 18th-century author and philosopher who never minced her words in defense of equal […]
“All our liberties are due to [wo]men who, when their conscience has compelled them, have broken the laws of the land.”
The most straightforward reason to oppose the criminalization of the sex industry is that trading sex for money is not wrong.
Equality in slavery is not an admirable goal even among those with the best of intentions.
If women really do only earn 77 cents for every dollar a man earns, wouldn’t employers hire women exclusively to save on labor costs?
Professor Laura Kipnis argues that modern day feminism is actually leading to the “disempowerment” of women.
Editor’s Note: This is part two in a two part series from Sarah Skwire on women and liberty. You can read part one here. The Tax Code Is Designed to Penalize Working Women Shortly after writing a check to the IRS, I got an $800 bill from my accountant for her work preparing my taxes, […]
Editor’s Note: This is part one in a two part series from Sarah Skwire on women and liberty. You can read part two here. I’ve been a feminist for as long as I can remember. One of our oldest family stories is of Young Sarah asking Mom why Puppy Chow had a commercial that said “Don’t […]
Note: This piece is dedicated to my mom, as I celebrate my first Mother’s Day without her. With Mother’s Day upon us, it’s worth taking a moment to consider the vision of motherhood that we normally celebrate on this day. The holiday’s origins, interestingly enough, come from celebrations of the role of mothers in the […]
April Fools! Learn Liberty is back in charge, and everything the Department of Careful Communications (DCC) said about censoring and redacting our content is moot. Learn Liberty believes that the most effective way to challenge assumptions and refine ideas in a free society is to engage in respectful but frank dialogue—conversations in which we are […]
March 8th was International Women’s Day. Festivities included rallies, museum dedications, and even a Google search doodle to mark the occasion. In the spirit of the day, many commentators have called to re-double efforts for gender equality around the globe. In a less known spirit of the day, commentators also called on governments to step […]
We take a trip down memory lane to look at one of our older and perhaps more controversial videos, where we tackle the question of the wage gap. Take a look at the video and let us know what you think.
Mary Wollstonecraft was a prominent figure in the first wave American feminist movement and most famously known for her very libertarian text, “A Vindication of the Rights of Woman.” For a more in depth look into Wollstonecraft and her contemporaries be sure to check out our On Demand program on Feminism!
From gaining the rights to vote and to own property to contemporary issues like wage gaps and slut shaming, feminism has been a topic of debate for decades. Some argue that the best way to give women equal rights and opportunities is to enact government policies which mandate the equal treatment of women, or affirmative […]
Washington D.C. council members introduced legislation that would provide 16 weeks of paid parental leave to almost all employees in the District — paid for by a new tax on private D.C. employers. The proposal has been greeted positively by the media, which frequently point out that the U.S. is one of the only countries […]
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