Spiked Magazine Panel – "Title IX: Feminism, Sex & Censorship on Campus”

Sp!ked Magazine,

Release Date
December 4, 2017


Education Ethics Free Speech Justice

Do “Title IX” rules on campus protect women or restrict them? Watch the Unsafe Space Tour panel discussion with Tom Slater and Ella Whelan of Spiked Magazine, Robert Shibley of FIRE, and Elizabeth Nolan Brown of Reason.
Special thanks to Reason for helping us relocate the panel discussion on very short notice.

  1. Protesting on Campus – Laura Kipnis on Free Speech (video): Professor Kipnis discusses the backlash she received on her campus in response to writing a controversial essay. Thanks to complaints by graduate students, the Northwestern even put her under a Title IX investigation, in which she was ultimately cleared.
  2. Title IX Debate Explained (video): Professor and author Laura Kipnis sits down with Dave Rubin for an in-depth conversation on the Title IX debate.
  3. Freedom of Speech: Why Are Sex and Comedy Censored? (video): Prof. Greg Lukainoff, President of FIRE, discusses the question of whether comedic and/or sexual speech should be censored on college campuses.

Coming soon.